Quartermaster Medal of Honor Recipients

The Medal of Honor is the United States’ highest award for military valor in action. And while over 150 years have passed since its inception, the meaning behind the Medal has never tarnished. Etched within are the very values that each Recipient displayed in the moments that mattered—bravery, courage, sacrifice, integrity. A deep love of country and a desire to always do what is right. A distinguished award presented only to the deserving, the Medal tells a story of its own.
For their valor Quartermaster soldiers have been awarded every medal this nation has allowed — including more than two dozen Medals of Honor.
Civil War
- First Lieutenant Charles J. Murphy
- Lieutenant Colonel Richard N. Batchelder
- Sergeant Stephen E. Chandler
- First Lieutenant John W. Clark
- Sergeant John H. Cook
- Sergeant John Galloway
- Major Horatio C. King
- Sergeant Andrew J. Lorish
- Sergeant John H. Lyman
- Captain Andrew J. McGonnigle
- Sergeant Walter F. McWhorter
- First Lieutenant Thomas H.L. Payne
- Sergeant Ambrose Porter
- First Lieutenant Noble D. Preston
- Sergeant David H. Scofield
- Griffin Seward
- Lieutenant Joseph S. Smith
- Sergeant George C. Williams
Indian Wars
World War II
First Lieutenant Charles J. Murphy | Civil War
Rank and organization: First Lieutenant and Quartermaster, 38th New York Infantry. Place and date: At Bull Run, Va., 21 July 1861. Entered service at: Unknown. Birth: England. Date of issue: 5 April 1898. Citation: Took a rifle and voluntarily fought with his regiment in the ranks; when the regiment was forced back, voluntarily remained on the field caring for the wounded, and was there taken prisoner.
Lieutenant Colonel Richard N. Batchelder | Civil War
Rank and organization: Lieutenant Colonel and Chief Quartermaster, 2d Corps. Place and date: Between Catlett and Fairfax Stations, Va., 13-15 October 1863. Entered service at: Manchester, N.H. Born: 27 July 1832, Meredith, N.H. Date of issue: 20 May 1895. Citation: Being ordered to move his trains by a continuous day-and-night march, and without the usual military escort, armed his teamsters and personally commanded them, successfully fighting against heavy odds and bringing his trains through without the loss of a wagon. (Colonel Batchelder was the Quartermaster General from 1890-1896 in the rank of Brigadier General)
Sergeant Stephen E. Chandler | Civil War
Rank and organization: Quartermaster Sergeant, Company A, 24th New York Cavalry. Place and date: At Amelia Springs, Va., 5 April 1865. Entered service at: Granby, Oswego County, N.Y. Birth: Michigan. Date of issue: 4 April 1898. Citation: Under severe fire of the enemy and of the troops in retreat, went between the lines to the assistance of a wounded and helpless comrade, and rescued him from death or capture.
First Lieutenant John W. Clark | Civil War
Rank and organization: First Lieutenant and Regimental Quartermaster, 6th Vermont Infantry. Place and date: Near Warrenton, Va., 28 July 1863. Entered service at: Vermont. Born: 21 October 1830, Montpelier, Vt. Date of issue: 17 August 1891. Citation: Defended the division train against a vastly superior force of the enemy; he was severely wounded, but remained in the saddle for 20 hours afterward until he had brought his train through in safety.
Sergeant John H. Cook | Civil War
Rank and organization: Sergeant, Company A, 119th Illinois Infantry. Place and date: At Pleasant Hill, La., 9 April 1864. Entered service at: Quincy, Ill. Birth: England. Date of issue: 19 September 1890. Citation: During an attack by the enemy, voluntarily left the brigade quartermaster, with whom he had been detailed as a clerk, rejoined his command, and, acting as first lieutenant, led the line farther toward the charging enemy.
Sergeant John Galloway | Civil War
Rank and organization: Commissary Sergeant, 8th Pennsylvania Cavalry. Place and date: At Farmville, Va., 7 April 1865. Entered service at: Unknown. Birth: Philadelphia, Pa. Date of issue: 30 October 1897. Citation: His regiment being surprised and nearly overwhelmed, he dashed forward under a heavy fire, reached the right of the regiment, where the danger was greatest, rallied the men and prevented a disaster that was imminent.
Major Horatio C. King | Civil War
Rank and organization: Major and Quartermaster, U.S. Volunteers. Place and date: Near Dinwiddie Courthouse, Va., 31 March 1865. Entered service at: Brooklyn, N.Y. Born: 22 December 1837, Portland, Maine. Date of issue: 23 September 1897. Citation: While serving as a volunteer aide, carried orders to the reserve brigade and participated with it in the charge which repulsed the enemy.
Sergeant Andrew J. Lorish | Civil War
Rank and organization: Commissary Sergeant, 19th New York Cavalry (1st New York Dragoons). Place and date: At Winchester, Va., 19 September 1864. Entered service at: Unknown. Born: 8 November 1832, Dansville, Steuben County, N.Y. Date of issue: 27 September 1864 Citation: Amid the enemy he grabbed the flag from a color bearer who then called for help. When the bearer’s comrades were readying their rifles he dashed directly at them securing their disarming. As he rode away, the Confederates picked up their guns firing at the captor of their flag.
Sergeant John H. Lyman | Civil War
Rank and organization: Quartermaster Sergeant, Company B, 9th New York Cavalry. Place and date: At Winchester, Va., 19 September 1864. Entered service at: East Randolph, N.Y. Birth: Cattaraugus, N.Y. Date of issue: 20 August 1894. Citation: In an attempt to capture a Confederate flag he captured one of the enemy’s officers and brought him within the lines.
Captain Andrew J. McGonnigle | Civil War
Rank and organization: Captain and Assistant Quartermaster, U.S. Volunteers. Place and date: At Cedar Creek. Va., 19 October 1864 Entered service at: Cumberland, Md. Birth: New York, N.Y. Date of issue: 21 July 1897. Citation: While acting chief quartermaster of Gen. Sheridan’s forces operating in the Shenandoah Valley was severely wounded while voluntarily leading a brigade of infantry and was commended for the greatest gallantry by Gen. Sheridan.
Sergeant Walter F. McWhorter | Civil War
Rank and organization: Commissary Sergeant, Company E, 3d West Virginia Cavalry. Place and date: At Sailors Creek, Va., 6 April 1865. Entered service at: Harrison County, W. Va. Birth: Lewis County, W. Va. Date of issue: 3 May 1865. Citation: Capture of flag of 6th Tennessee Infantry (C.S.A.).
First Lieutenant Thomas H.L. Payne | Civil War
Rank and organization: First Lieutenant, Company E, 37th Illinois Infantry. Place and date: At Fort Blakely, Ala., 9 April 1865. Entered service at: Mendota, La Salle County, Ill. Born: 5 October 1840, Boston, Mass. Date of issue: 1 April 1898. Citation: While acting regimental quartermaster, learning of an expected assault, requested assignment to a company that had no commissioned officers present; was so assigned, and was one of the first to lead his men into the enemy’s works.
Sergeant Ambrose Porter | Civil War
Rank and organization: Commissary Sergeant, Company D, 12th Missouri Cavalry. Place and date: At Tallahatchie River, Miss., 7 August 1864. Entered service at: Rockport, Atchison County, Mo. Birth: Allegany County, Md. Date of issue: 24 August 1905. Citation: Was 1 of 4 volunteers who swam the river under a brisk fire of the enemy’s sharpshooters and brought over a ferry boat by means of which the troops crossed and dislodged the enemy from a strong position.
First Lieutenant Noble D. Preston | Civil War
Rank and organization: First Lieutenant and Commissary, 10th New York Cavalry. Place and date: At Trevilian Station, Va., 11 June 1864. Entered service at: Fulton, N.Y. Birth: Unknown. Date of issue: 22 November 1889. Citation: Voluntarily led a charge in which he was severely wounded.
Sergeant David H. Scofield | Civil War
Rank and organization: Quartermaster Sergeant, Company K. 5th N.Y., U.S. Cavalry. Place and date: At Cedar Creek, Va., 19 October 1864. Entered service at: Unknown. Birth: Mamaroneck, N.Y. Date of issue: 26 October 1864. Citation: Capture of flag of 13th Virginia Infantry (C.S.A.).
Griffin Seward | Civil War
Rank and organization: Wagoner, Company G, 8th U.S. Cavalry. Place and date: At Chiricahva Mountains, Ariz., 20 October 1863. Entered service at: Unknown. Birth: Dover, Del. Date of issue: 14 February 1870. Citation: Gallantry in action.
Lieutenant Joseph S. Smith | Civil War
Rank and organization: Lieutenant Colonel and Commissary of Subsistence, 2d Army Corps. Place and date: At Hatchers Run, Va., 27 October 1864. Entered service at: Maine. Birth: Wiscasset, Maine. Date of issue: 25 May 1892. Citation: Led a part of a brigade, saved 2 pieces of artillery, captured a flag, and secured a number of prisoners.
Sergeant George C. Williams | Civil War
Rank and organization: Quartermaster Sergeant, 1st Battalion, 14th U.S. Infantry. Place and date: At Gaines Mill, Va., 27 June 1862. Entered service at: Unknown. Birth: England. Date of issue: 28 August 1897. Citation: While on duty with the wagon train as quartermaster sergeant he voluntarily left his place of safety in the rear, joined a company, and fought with distinguished gallantry through the action.
First Lieutenant Charles F. Humphrey | Indina Wars
Rank and organization: First Lieutenant, 4th U.S. Artillery. Place and date: At Clearwater, Idaho, 11 July 1877. Entered service at: Unknown. Birth: New York. Date of issue: 2 March 1897. Citation: Voluntarily and successfully conducted, in the face of a withering fire, a party which recovered possession of an abandoned howitzer and 2 Gatling guns Iying between the lines a few yards from the Indians. (Later Brigadier General Humphrey served as The Quartermaster General from April 1903 to July 1907.)
Henry W. B. Mechlin | Indina Wars
Rank and organization: Blacksmith, Company H, 7th U.S. Cavalry Place and date: At Little Big Horn, Mont., 25 June 1876. Entered service at: Pittsburgh, Pa. Born: 14 October 1851, Mount Pleasant, Westmoreland County, Pa. Date of issue: 29 August 1878. Citation: With 3 comrades during the entire engagement courageously held a position that secured water for the command.
Wilhelm O. Philipsen | Indina Wars
Rank and organization: Blacksmith, Troop D, 5th U.S. Cavalry. Place and date: At Milk River, Colo., 29 September 1879. Entered service at: Unknown. Birth: Germany. Date of issue: 12 December 1894. Citation: With 9 others voluntarily attacked and captured a strong position held by Indians.
John Schnitzer | Indina Wars
Rank and organization: Wagoner, Troop G, 4th U.S. Cavalry. Place and date: At Horseshoe Canyon, N. Mex., 23 April 1882. Entered service at: Unknown. Birth: Bavaria. Date of issue: 17 August 1896. Citation: Assisted, under a heavy fire, to rescue a wounded comrade.
John Sheerin | Indina Wars
Rank and organization: Blacksmith, Company C, 8th U.S. Cavalry. Place and date: Near Fort Selden, N. Mex., 8-11 July 1873. Entered service at: Unknown. Birth: Camden County, N.J. Date of issue: 12 August 1875. Citation: Services against hostile Indians.
Christian Steiner | Indina Wars
Rank and organization: Saddler, Company G, 8th U.S. Cavalry. Place and date: At Chiricahua Mountains, Ariz., 20 October 1869. Entered service at: Unknown. Birth: Germany. Date of issue: 14 February 1870. Citation: Gallantry in action.
Julius H. Stickoffer | Indina Wars
Rank and organization: Saddler, Company L, 8th U.S. Cavalry. Place and date: At Cienaga Springs, Utah, 11 November 1868. Entered service at: Unknown. Birth: Switzerland. Date of issue: 3 March 1870. Citation: Gallantry in action.
Otto Voit | Indina Wars
Rank and organization: Saddler, Company H, 7th U.S. Cavalry. Place and date: At Little Big Horn, Mont., 25 June 1876. Entered service at: Unknown. Birth: Germany. Date of issue: 5 October 1878. Citation: Volunteered with George Geiger, Charles Windolph, and Henry Mechlin to hold an exposed position standing erect on the brow of the hill facing the Little Big Horn River. They fired constantly in this manner for more than 20 minutes diverting fire and attention from another group filling canteens of water that were desperately needed.
Richard J. Nolan | Indina Wars
Rank and organization: Farrier, Company I, 7th U.S. Cavalry. Place and date: At White Clay Creek, S. Dak., 30 December 1890. Entered service at: Unknown. Birth: Ireland. Date of issue: 1 April 1891. Citation: Bravery.
William H. Jones | Indina Wars
Rank and organization: Farrier, Company L, 2d U.S. Cavalry. Place and date: At Little Muddy Creek, Mont., 7 May 1877, at Camas Meadows, Idaho, 20 August 1877. Entered service at: Louisville, Ky. Birth. Davidson County, N.C. Date of issue: 28 February 1878. Citation: Gallantry in the attack against hostile Sioux Indians on May 7, 1877 at Muddy Creek, Mont., and in the engagement with Nez Perces Indians at Camas Meadows, Idaho, on 20 August 1877 in which he sustained a painful knee wound.
Albert Glavinksi | Indina Wars
Rank and organization: Blacksmith, Company M, 3d U.S. Cavalry. Place and date: At Powder River, Mont., 17 March 1876. Entered service at: Unknown. Birth: Germany. Date of issue: 16 October 1877. Citation: During a retreat he selected exposed positions, he was part of the rear guard.
Nest Veuve | Indina Wars
Rank and organization: Farrier, Company A, 4th U.S. Cavalry. Place and date: At Staked Plains, Tex., 3 November 1874. Entered service at: Unknown. Birth: Switzerland. Date of issue: 13 October 1875. Citation: Gallant manner in which he faced a desperate Indian.
Mosher H. Harding | Indina Wars
Rank and organization: Blacksmith, Company G, 8th U.S. Cavalry. Place and date: At Chiricahua Mountains, Ariz., 20 October 1869. Entered service at: Unknown. Birth: Canada West. Date of issue: 14 February 1870. Citation: Gallantry in action.
James Pratt | Indina Wars
Rank and organization: Blacksmith, Company I, 4th U.S. Cavalry. Place and date: At Red River, Tex., 29 September 1872. Entered service at: Bellefontaine, Ohio. Birth: Bellefontaine, Ohio. Date of issue: 19 November 1872. Citation: Gallantry in action.
David Larkin | Indina Wars
Rank and organization: Farrier, Company F, 4th U.S. Cavalry. Place and date: At Red River, Tex., 29 September 1872. Entered service at: Unknown. Birth: Ireland. Date of issue: 19 November 1872. Citation: Gallantry in action.
Tech 5 Eric G. Gibson | World War II
On 28 January 1944, near Isola Bella, Italy, Technician 5th Grade Gibson, a company cook with the 3d Infantry Division, led a squad of replacements through their initial baptism of fire, destroyed four enemy positions, killed 5 and captured 2 German soldiers, and secured the left flank of his company during an attack on a strongpoint. He was himself killed while still firing at the enemy.
Private George Watson | World War II
Private Watson, a member of the 29th Quartermaster Regiment, was on board a ship hit by Japanese bombers off the coast of New Guinea on 8 March 1943. When the ship had to be abandoned, instead of seeking to save himself, he stayed in the water for a prolonged time courageously helping others. Weakened by his exertions, he was eventually dragged down by the sinking ship and was drowned.
For a listing of all Medal of Honor Recipients go to the Congressional Medal of Honor Society.